legales information
For the compagny :
Headquarters : 5 rue des Epinettes – 10160 Paisy Cosdon
Juridic form : LLC – Limited liability company
Siren : 562 044 222
Siret : 56204422200023
VAT : FR 11562044222
Share capital : 594 711€
Website owner :
Responsible for publication : Frédéric PERRIN
Email :
Site editor / Graphic design :
Echo agency – global communication agency in Angers, Troyes and Cholet.
5 rue du clos Camus – 10 000 TROYES – –
Hosting provider :
OVH – Simplified Joint-Stock Company – capital of 10 059 500€
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Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
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Juridic reserve
The editor endeavors to offer you in this website information reliable and actualized. Despite all the care he takes, mistakes or omissions can occur. He endeavors to correct the mistakes that will be reported to him. Information contained in this website is destined to bring you general indications on subjects treated; Doesn’t constitute a personalized advice, of any kind (organizational, marketing, legal, tax, etc.), personalized advice involving the study and analysis of specific cases by a professional of the specialty. Doesn’t be used without beforehand advices of concerned experts. The publisher cannot be held for responsible of the utilization and the interpretation of the information contained in this website.
No guarantee
The publisher doesn’t guarantee that this website doesn’t have default, mistake or omission and that it fits exactly for its intended use. He cannot be held responsible for possible defaults, mistakes or omissions existing in this website, and possible financial losses or damages that may result.
The publisher is totally free to reference or not, to delete at any time the referencing of this or that site. In this case, he doesn’t search to be exhaustive. In consequence, these lists of links, in any category, don’t claim to be exhaustive. This website contains hyperlinks to websites whose existence the editor has noted (by connecting to them at the time they were listed), on which he performed a quick verification. These hyperlinks have been classified by section, according their contents, and, when they exist according to the indications provided by the editor. The publisher doesn’t control the sites that he references, whose the responsibility only refers by their editors. He doesn’t guarantee the content of these sites, including the truthfulness of the information they contain. Furthermore, he doesn’t watch for the potential presence of informatic viruses in the referenced sites. Therefore, he cannot guarantee that these sites are free of them. Each internet user shall practice his free will in deciding to access to this or that site. The risks related to the use of these sites are therefore the full responsibility of the user. As the internet network is constantly evolving, it’s possible that a site, referenced by the editor, has been edited in its content, it has changed address or even disappeared. The editor regularly checks that the links are still active, but doesn’t carry out other check. Any site wishing to forbid or limit its hypertext referencing may ask the publisher to remove all or part of the links, he has created by writing to
Technical environnement
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Every text, photo, video, data, brand and others elements reproduced on this website are reserved and protected by copyright and/or any others dispositions applicable intellectual property provisions. Any use constitutes an infringement of copyright and/or any others applicable provisions relating to intellectual property. It is therefore forbidden to reproduce, represent, distribute, commercialize, edit or concede all or part of any of the elements of the site, without the prior and express authorization of the editor.
Privacy and cookies policy
Personal data
Definitions :
Editor : The physic or moral person, who edits online public communication services.
The website : all sites, internet pages and online services proposed by the editor.
The user : the person using the website and the services.
Nature of collected data
In connection with the use of the sites, the editor may collect the categories of following data about its users:
- Identity data
- Communication data (email address – phone number)
Disclosure of personal data to third parties
Communication to the authorities on the basis of legal obligations. On the basis of legal obligations, your personal data may be disclosed in application of a law, regulation or by virtue of a decision by a competent regulatory or judicial authority. In general, we undertake to comply with all legal rules that may prevent, limit or regulate the dissemination of information or data, and in particular to comply with Law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on data processing, data files and individual liberties.
Finality of re-use personal data collected
- Contact you
- Carry out customer management operations relating to contracts, invoices, accounting and, in particular, the management of customer accounts
- Customer relationship follow-up like satisfaction surveys, claims management and after-sales service
- Communication operations
Identity data collect
Consultation of the website doesn’t require prior registration or identification. You do not need to provide any personal data (surname, first name, address, etc.). We do not record any personal data for the simple purpose of consulting the website.
Technical data collect for advertising, commercial and statiscal purposes
Technical data on your device are automatically collected and recorded by the website, for advertising, commercial and statistical purposes. This information helps us to personalize and improve continuously your experience on our website. We don’t collect or keep any personal data (last name, first name, address, …) potentially attached to technical data.
Cookie retention period
In accordance with CNIL recommendations, cookies are kept for a maximum of 13 months after their first deposit in the user’s terminal, as well as the duration of the validity of the user’s consent to the use of these cookies. The lifetime of cookies isn’t extended with each visit. The user’s consent must therefore be renewed at the end of this period.
cookies finality
Cookies can be used for statistical purposes including to optimize the services provided to the user, from the processing of information concerning access frequency, page personalization, operations realized and information consulted. You are informed that the editor may place cookies on your terminal. The cookie records information about navigation on the service (pages that you have consulted, date and hour of the consultation, …) which we may read during your subsequent visits.
The user’s right te refuse cookies
You acknowledge that you have been informed that the publisher may use cookies. If you wish cookies not to be used on your terminal, most of navigators allow you to disable cookies in setting options.
Conservation of technical data
Technical data retention period
Technical data are kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes.
Retention delay of personal data and anonymization
Data retention for the duration of the contractual relationship
In accordance with article 6-5° of law n°78-17 of january 6, 1978 about informatic, data files and liberties, personal data processed isn’t kept beyond the time required to fulfill the obligations defined when the contract was concluded or the predefined duration of the contractual relationship.
Retention of anonymized data beyond the contractual relationship / after account delation
We keep personal data for the time strictlynecessary to achieve purposes described in the present TCU. After this period, they will be anonymized and kept exclusively for tatistical purposes and will not be used for any other purpose.
Deletion of data after account deletion
Data purging procedure are in place to ensure that data is effectively deleted as soon as the retention or archiving period required to fulfill the specified or imposed purposes has been reached. In accordance with article 6-5° of law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 about informatic, data files and l liberties, you have the right to delete your data which you can exercise at any time by contacting the publisher.
Indications in the event of a security flaw deteted by the editor
Information of the user in the event of a security flaw
We undertake to implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee an appropriate level of security against the risk of accidental access, not allowed or illegal, of disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction of your personal data. In the event that we become aware of unlawful access to your personal data stored on our servers or those of our service providers, or of unauthorized access resulting in the risks identified above, we undertake to :
• Inform you of the incident quickly;
• Examine the causes of the incident and inform you;
• Take necessary measures in reasonable limit to reduce the negative effects and damage that may result from the incident;
• Responsibility limitation.
In no way the undertaking defined in the point above concerning notification in the event of a security flaw cannot be assimilated to any acknowledgement of fault or responsibility for the occurrence of the incident in question.
Transfer personal data abroad
The publisher commits to do not transfer personal data of his users outside European Union.
Modification of TCU and privacy policy
We undertake to inform you in the even of substantial modification of these TCI, and not to lower the level of confidentiality of your data substantially without informing you and abtaining your consent.
Each person whose personal data are collected by this website has, in the conditions and limits of the law, rights of access, opposition, limitation, probability, rectification, forgetting and reparation. These persons can exercise their rights by sending an email to or a mail to 5 rue des Epinettes – 10160 Paisy-Cosdon.
Bloctel device
We also inform you of the existence of the opposition list for telephone canvassing “Bloctel”, where you can register here :